Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rosa's Bridgeport Prosperity Challenge

Rosa has moved into Bridgeport after graduating Summa Cum Laude from Sim State University. She is in the Military career right now. Her Generational Goal in life is to raise 3 Perfect Children (including her heir, which will be the first born child) while having the Computer Whiz trait show in her future generations.

She went to do some book shopping and made a couple friends, including Tom Wordy, a Rapper (celebrity with 4 stars below his name in the Friends panel. I might try to get them together to have her 3 kids). She managed to burn waffles but made Goopy Carbonara without flaming it. She has also hit the gym once to raise her Athletic skill (I will be sending her back to complete this and hopefully earn a promotion she has been looking for).

So far Day 1 has been almost like a new Sim in game. Hopefully things will pick up this weekend.